Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I can't sit yet, but I am getting pretty close to crawling. This concerns Mommy because I have absolutely no sense of balance. Mommy is picturing a lot of face plants in my future. She says she's not ready for me to be mobile yet. I say too bad, so sad.

I'm also talking a lot. Da da daaaaaaaaaa is one of my favorite things to say. Plus I like to growl. I growl a lot. Even more than I talk.

One thing I am not doing is eating. I drink my bottles, but that's it. So far Mommy has discovered this list of things that I don't like:
- Rice Cereal
- Oatmeal
- Apple Sauce
- Pears
- Peas
- Bananas
- Banana baby Mum Mums
- Corn
- Sweet Potatoes
- All of the above in any combination with eachother

I do however enjoy gnawing on a fry at McDonald's. Of course, as soon as a piece breaks off I gag. Mommy is considering blending some fries to see what I will do. I'm planning on gagging, like I do with everything else.

(Mommy wants me to tell you to click on the pictures on my blog for a nicer view. For some reason they show up on here super grainy. Whatever that means.)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Six Months Old

Yay! Häagen Dazs Coffee ice cream! I knew turning six months old would be BIG!
What? You're not going to let me eat this AND you blew out my candle? What a rip off.