Saturday, December 4, 2010

Breaking Out The Bottle

A little problem.

Maybe a solution?


Mommy saves the day.

But she won't stop taking pictures!

Oh Hannah, it's hard being one, isn't it?


  1. Oh she is soooo cute, even when she is crying! Reminds me of my little girl! :)

  2. Love it!

    I mean... poor girl...


    (Reminds me of the other day when we did our gingerbread house RIGHT after school (when Luke's always exhausted) and the poor boy could not emotionally handle that the gingerbread house would not look identical to the box. He was weeping and wouldn't let me take his picture with it!)

    -- Dixie

  3. LOL at it when kids have meltdowns that make no sense at all. They are so funny sometimes. I am going to use the kit this year. Usually I make all my pieces from scratch, but last year it was just a fiasco!
    @Becky...poor thing! Love that she tried to drink it through the rail.

  4. Poor little Hannah. I just want to give you a squish. It's hard that you're so adorable when you're sad or happy or anything, because just like your mommy, I'd take your photo too. You're just going to have to get used to the fact that being that pretty is going to have some drawbacks. Sorry kiddo. *Smooch!*
